PT3, PS memory scanner like pahud ? and other questions

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PT3, PS memory scanner like pahud ? and other questions

Postby the_cleaner » Wed May 21, 2008 1:42 pm


I just purchased PT3. I`m still getting used to it, coming from PT2. I have some questions:

1.) Does the Hud has a memory scanner option for PS, like Pahud has ? Reason is that my usual way of table selection is to fire up like 25 tables and choose the best tables based on the stats that I have from the players showing up in pahud, before I sit at the table.

2.) can pahud be used with PT3 ?

3.) I can see players stats on the tables, but my stats keep dissapearing randomly. Not sure, but I think I read somewhere that this is a bug and you are working on it. In this case please disregard.

Ingo Tiemann
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Re: PT3, PS memory scanner like pahud ? and other questions

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 21, 2008 2:01 pm

1. No, not yet.
2. No, PT3 has it's own HUD built in.
3. Yes, known issue.
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Re: PT3, PS memory scanner like pahud ? and other questions

Postby adamg » Wed May 21, 2008 11:03 pm

the_cleaner wrote:1.) Does the Hud has a memory scanner option for PS, like Pahud has ? Reason is that my usual way of table selection is to fire up like 25 tables and choose the best tables based on the stats that I have from the players showing up in pahud, before I sit at the table.

I was assuming that they weren't going to implement this in order to encourage the use of TableTracker, but I'm pretty excited about the "not yet" response above. :D
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Re: PT3, PS memory scanner like pahud ? and other questions

Postby revigres » Thu May 22, 2008 12:01 am

Well since the tabletracker doesn't work with PS, you guys should implement the scanner feauture soon, i hope its not much to ask for a previously existing feauture. it really is the most important tool in table selection for us PS players.


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