I was finally able to get my PT2 DB and converted it to a new PT3 DB. It took 4 days and many, many posts but I figured it out with my primitive brain and posts from APerfect10 that pointed me in the right direction. Much thanks, PT Guru....
In my new PT3 DB, all of my Ring stats are complete and identical to PT2 (minus some UB & Absolute hands). My tournaments are all screwed up, net profit is WAY off and when I look under tournaments sub-tab in the tournament section MANY of the tournaments have missing and incomplete information. It is DEFINATELY NOT because of the non-supported-site results. It's got N/A all over the place and my PT2 db has none at all. Please don't tell me I have to go through 1000+ tournaments and complete the missing info, which I have documented in PT2.
When I originally tried to convert 2 to 3 and had SQL compatibility issues, I exported HH from PT2 (cash & tourney) and manually imported into PT3. I got crazy tourney result numbers; the same as when I did SQL conversion later. There were error messages during both processes that varied from unexpected end of file, etc. (I couldn't remember all of them and I can't find a log of the imports).
1)Is there anything else I can do to complete the tournament stats and make them as accurate as PT2 other than manual comparison?
2)Am I going to always have this sort of issue with tourney stats? I play on mostly FTP & Stars, and have a few old UB, Absolute, and Party hands but they do not account for the discrepency. How can I make sure PT3 runs smoothly on tournament tracking?