Fixed PT2/PT3 conversion/ Problems with Tournaments

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Fixed PT2/PT3 conversion/ Problems with Tournaments

Postby PTF24 » Sun May 25, 2008 1:49 pm

I was finally able to get my PT2 DB and converted it to a new PT3 DB. It took 4 days and many, many posts but I figured it out with my primitive brain and posts from APerfect10 that pointed me in the right direction. Much thanks, PT Guru....

In my new PT3 DB, all of my Ring stats are complete and identical to PT2 (minus some UB & Absolute hands). My tournaments are all screwed up, net profit is WAY off and when I look under tournaments sub-tab in the tournament section MANY of the tournaments have missing and incomplete information. It is DEFINATELY NOT because of the non-supported-site results. It's got N/A all over the place and my PT2 db has none at all. Please don't tell me I have to go through 1000+ tournaments and complete the missing info, which I have documented in PT2.

When I originally tried to convert 2 to 3 and had SQL compatibility issues, I exported HH from PT2 (cash & tourney) and manually imported into PT3. I got crazy tourney result numbers; the same as when I did SQL conversion later. There were error messages during both processes that varied from unexpected end of file, etc. (I couldn't remember all of them and I can't find a log of the imports).

1)Is there anything else I can do to complete the tournament stats and make them as accurate as PT2 other than manual comparison?

2)Am I going to always have this sort of issue with tourney stats? I play on mostly FTP & Stars, and have a few old UB, Absolute, and Party hands but they do not account for the discrepency. How can I make sure PT3 runs smoothly on tournament tracking?
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Re: Fixed PT2/PT3 conversion/ Problems with Tournaments

Postby WhiteRider » Sun May 25, 2008 2:15 pm

We've had this problem reported a couple of times, and I don't have a definitive answer. I believe that summaries are supposed to be transferred across, but if so there's obviously a problem.
I'm sure this will be fixed so that you'll be able to transfer your summaries across at some point.
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Re: Fixed PT2/PT3 conversion/ Problems with Tournaments

Postby PTF24 » Mon May 26, 2008 1:48 pm

Thanks Rider,

I know you mods do very hard work (and very good at that). Rarely have a seen support as good as PT.....


I can't express how upsetting this problem is to me. I laid off on buying other software because I loved PT2 and thought PT3 would blow them away. It took 3-4 days of head-banging on the keyboard just to get PT3 to convert the PT2 postgreSQL (which I had to figure out myself in spite of 2 different forum threads) and now my tournament stats are worthless until some undetermined date. You have to understand how frustrated and infuriated I am with Poker Tracker right now. I wait from beta to beta and now the commercial release is mostly useless to me and will be that way until no-one-knows-when.

1) How will I be notified that this problem has been corrected?
2) Please convey my opinion to the appropriate staff members.

Sorry to lay this on you WhiteRider but I have to say something about this whole situation...
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Re: Fixed PT2/PT3 conversion/ Problems with Tournaments

Postby WhiteRider » Mon May 26, 2008 2:14 pm

I understand how frustrating it is, thanks for keeping your tone civil. I have flagged this issue to Josh.
Each new build will have release notes listing what has been fixed/added, and PT3 should inform you if a new build is available when you run it.
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Re: Fixed PT2/PT3 conversion/ Problems with Tournaments

Postby PTF24 » Tue May 27, 2008 3:54 am

Thanks. Hopefully this problem gets fixed soon.
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Re: Fixed PT2/PT3 conversion/ Problems with Tournaments

Postby blackhelicopter » Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:06 am

What forum threads you use to get it running?

I have 1.000.000 Hands and ther convertation starts but when there are errors.
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Re: Fixed PT2/PT3 conversion/ Problems with Tournaments

Postby PTF24 » Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:06 pm

First of all, my fix is BOOTLEG- I do not recommend it as something I may have done prior may be necessary for it to come through the way I did it.

I went to PT2-Utilities-PostgreSQL settings- under password I put in the password I had changed to when installing SQL 8.3 and PT3. I uninstalled and re-installed PT3 and put in the same wxyz password that I had newly placed in PT2. Somehow that let PT3 recognize my PT2 SQL db and I converted it.

Unfortunately when I did only my cash game stats came through clean but most of my tourney results (from Party, PS, and FTP) were almost entirely wrong. It was missing results, placing, payouts- all kinds of stuff.

But that's another tech issue I'm waiting on the new release for. Good luck man.
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Re: Fixed PT2/PT3 conversion/ Problems with Tournaments

Postby Josh » Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:25 pm

Were you using build 2 or beta 12? Beta 12 fixes some problems with the tournament conversions.
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Re: Fixed PT2/PT3 conversion/ Problems with Tournaments

Postby PTF24 » Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:47 pm

Sorry for the reply delay. Slight emergency.

I'm running beta 12 right now. It seems to be running alright but it doesn't import manually entered PT2 tourney results. I get new tournaments recorded but ALL the tournament results manually entered or by summary in PT2 now have to be manually entered into PT3beta12. This involves over 1K tournament results and is cramping my fingers. The hh's have been transfered(ring/tourney), stats on ring games seem correct (1 recent session differs slightly but I don't think it's a problem. It's just the tourney results incomplete. I've given in and am just doing it by hand. I've had PT3 on trial since the first day of release and I haven't gotten a chance to see how it runs in real time. I've been trying to get the past loaded correctly so my stats don't have a big gap in them from the transfer.
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Re: Fixed PT2/PT3 conversion/ Problems with Tournaments

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Jun 07, 2008 4:38 am

The lack of summaries during transfer is a known problem, and it will be fixed.
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