Beta 12 FT Import Errors

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Beta 12 FT Import Errors

Postby franktastic » Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:00 am

I have exported and imported my hh's and now on the general tab 22k of them are displayed as 6max 2k as heads up and 20k as fr. I only play fr.
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Re: Beta 12 FT Import Errors

Postby kraada » Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:44 pm

Can you please attach a few of the hand histories that are improperly imported to a support ticket and reference this thread? Once we have the hand histories we will better be able to figure out why these hands are not importing properly.
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Re: Beta 12 FT Import Errors

Postby WhiteRider » Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:57 pm

I understand that the way "adjust qualifying tables limits" now works is by looking at the number of players on the first hand at a table, so if this is 6 or less it will import all hands as 6-max. Could this explain it?
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Re: Beta 12 FT Import Errors

Postby franktastic » Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:14 pm

I have put some hh on a ticket.

I was just 4 tabling fr on FT 2 of the tables were being detected as 6 max and the hud was displaying 6 max stats, I think some were also trying 2 max.

If i try to use the hud options via the icon on the screen while playing pt3 freezes up.

I then enabled logging and tried to restart pts which then crashed with an exception error. On restart on of the trables previoslys seen as 6 max was recognised ok and the othe displayed nothing.

At this point tilt has set in and I have closed all my poker down and goin 4 a pint, lol gl
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Re: Beta 12 FT Import Errors

Postby chuckb223 » Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:32 pm

franktastic wrote:I have exported and imported my hh's and now on the general tab 22k of them are displayed as 6max 2k as heads up and 20k as fr. I only play fr.

I have the same exact problem. I have all full ring in my hand history and it's splitting them into full ring, 6 max, and 2max. There was no problem like this with build 2. I re-imported all my hands into a new database and same thing.
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Re: Beta 12 FT Import Errors

Postby chuckb223 » Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:33 pm

Just went through my database and apparently beta 12 looks at the first hand and it only takes it account how many players are at the table at that time and labels the table as such for all subsequent hands which is kind of stupid. I'm gonna upload HH's now.
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Re: Beta 12 FT Import Errors

Postby Josh » Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:16 pm

It's not stupid, it was decided this way for a couple reasons. For one, if you sit down at a table with < 6 players, you are making a decision to sit at a short handed table. Also, it only looks at the first hand, because it's unlikely that if you sit down at a 10 seated table, if that table drops to 6 players, that you want that session marked as 6 max.
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Re: Beta 12 FT Import Errors

Postby chuckb223 » Tue Jun 03, 2008 1:52 pm

Josh wrote:It's not stupid, it was decided this way for a couple reasons. For one, if you sit down at a table with < 6 players, you are making a decision to sit at a short handed table. Also, it only looks at the first hand, because it's unlikely that if you sit down at a 10 seated table, if that table drops to 6 players, that you want that session marked as 6 max.

That reasoning makes no sense at all. On the larger sites there normally are long wait lists on alot of tables at peak times and I regularly sit down at an empty or short table because it will undoubtedly fill up within the next few minutes. Many players do this and they are not doing it because they want to play shorthanded. If the table is a full ring game it should be marked as such no matter how many people are sitting at it.
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Re: Beta 12 FT Import Errors

Postby franktastic » Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:01 pm

On fulltilt tables fill up quickly, I will sit at an empty table and sit out until it fills. It now appears in the data base as 2 max.
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Re: Beta 12 FT Import Errors

Postby franktastic » Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:46 pm

Oh yes and if it decides your table is 6max or 2max the the hud display is 6max or 2max lol.
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