Ongame number of players fultering

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Ongame number of players fultering

Postby juukkk » Tue Jun 24, 2008 9:20 pm


I usually play FR at Ongame, however I had a few hands at 5-max tables. Now I want to filter only my FR stats and when I try to set "hands with between" to 6 to 10 players at the table, PT3 still shows the short-handed results even after hitting the refresh button. Also after trying with changing the 6 to 7,8,9 and after restarting it, so right now I don't have any clue how to deal with this?
Anyone help.
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Re: Ongame number of players fultering

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:59 am

Which report are you seeing these short-handed hands in, after filtering?
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Re: Ongame number of players fultering

Postby juukkk » Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:30 pm

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Re: Ongame number of players fultering

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:53 pm

WhiteRider wrote:Which report are you seeing these short-handed hands in, after filtering?
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Re: Ongame number of players fultering

Postby juukkk » Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:43 pm

If I set up the filter to only 50NL games, everything is straighforward.

If I set up the filter to only 50NL games and only 'Hands with between 6 and 10 Players at the table',
none of the reports changes(even after clicking refresh), this means that for example whatever
wins/loses I have at the short tables are counted again, however if I want for example to check the
hands from the short table at my sessions by time or winnings reports, PT3 does not load/populate
the hands.

If I set up the filter to only 50NL and put NOT in front of 'Hands with between 6 and 10 Players at the table'.
Players statistics change according to how I have played at the short tables. This time, logically, at the Session
by time and winnings reports only the one at short tables are populated with hands

If I set up the filter to only 50NL and this time put NOT in front of 'Hands with between 2 and 6
Players at the table' I will get the Player statistics report that I want. However I also want to isolate only my
winnings, amount won, winrate for the full ring games, as if PT3 was recognizing 50NL (5-max) and 50NL (10-max)
as two separate limits. And unfortunately, I cannot find a solution to this...
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Re: Ongame number of players fultering

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:10 am

OK, it seems to be working for me, but that is with some old party hands, not ongame (though I don't see why that should make a difference).
Please enable logging, reproduce the problem (clear filters, restart PT3 to clear the logs, then set up the filters that don't work and choose a couple of tabs that show the problem) and submit your PokerTracker.log to the
Support system , and link to this thread.
You could also zip and attach a few hand histories including hands with different numbers of players that fail to filter out correctly.
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Re: Ongame number of players fultering

Postby juukkk » Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:12 am

It is not a problem of PT3 I assume, it is more of a Ongame technical use with this SQL database (or whatever it is). Can you ( I mean Poker Tracker team), as bigger authority than any single user, somehow contact OnGame and talk with them to put up an option to save our handhistories as *.txt files?
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