As you might be aware, the iPoker network is going to deploy Six Plus Hold'em tomorrow (perhaps at selected skins first, incl. Bet365, Titan, William Hill, I reckon, and some skins like Gala and Coral on the 29th).
The game has been discussed e.g. in a 2+2 thread http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-views-gossip-sponsored-online-poker-report/ipoker-launches-six-plus-holdem-macau-game-tom-dwan-phil-ivey-promoted-1589721/ (that has links to relevant pages at iPoker sites) but I've seen no posts about your plans regarding this poker variation so I'd like to know if it's on your agenda to add its support to PT4 (or HM2, for this matter) in any way.
The only differences of Six Plus Hold'em from normal 52-card Hold'em are as follows:
1. The game is played with a 36-card deck, with ranks (in ascending order of priority) 6, 7, 8, 9, T, J, K, Q, A.
2. In addition to the straights as per usual Hold'em rules, A6789 unsuited is also regarded as a straight that is lower than 6789T. (I.e. aces can act as fives.)
Likewise, A6789 of the same suit is a straight flush that is lower than 6789T of the same suit.
3. The ranking of 5-card hand categories is as follows, in descending order of strength:
Straight flush
Four of a kind
Full house
Three of a kind
Two pair
High card
I.e. the straight is swapped with three of a kind and the full house is swapped with the flush as opposed to standard Hold'em rankings. That's because the hitting probabilities of the hand categories with the 36-card deck in use are different from the 52-card version.
Otherwise the game is the same as usual Hold'em - each player receives 2 hole cards and 5 community cards are dealt (3 on the flop), the player's hand on showdown is the best of those 5-card hands that can be made from the hole cards and the board (i.e. from 7 cards in total), and the structure of betting rounds is the same.
Of course we (players) yet have no access to hand histories (they'll be sent to you if needed), but I suspect that the only difference of their format from the one of usual Hold'em HHs will be the name of the game variant in the file header.
The most difficult task for you (if you do want to support the game) seems to be the need for a new 7-card hand evaluation function / lookup table - the presence of the A6789 straight makes standard hand evaluators useless. Clearly, the new evaluator would be of only slightly lower complexity than the normal Hold'em one, and of much higher complexity than a low hand evaluator in Omaha Hi/Lo, so I think it would take some coding effort (rewriting the usual Hold'em evaluator code for the 36-card case). And of course the database structure would need to be changed slightly to distinguish the new variant, though the fields would be just clones of those for usual Hold'em.
Please let us know about your plans regarding this poker variant (incl. whether its support will be included in the Hold'em version of PT4 or sold as a separate product) and ETAs if applicable.
Thanks in advance!