Beta 15 Released

General discussion of PokerTracker 3.

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Beta 15 Released

Postby Josh » Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:57 pm

    Import of observed PokerStars hands (max 30 per table), Hud on observed PokerStars tables
    Site Pref: PokerStars preferred seating settings (for those it doesn't automatically detect)
    Site Pref: FullTilt auto center setting (for those it doesn't automatically detect)
    Hud: Best Hud Performance feature that configures the Hud for optimal performance at the cost of some features
    Tournaments: Icons can now be assigned to players
    Hud: Table averages are now simple averages rather than weighted
    Cluster has been changed to improve performance of most reports and Hud stat retrieval
    Hud: More performance improvements
    Hud: Problems with using multiple databases
    Hud: Sitting out on Full Tilt will no longer unrotate the stats
    Hud: PokerTrackerTableObject phantom taskbar button
    Hud: iPoker 6 max miniview tables will now auto adjust the limit if option is selected
    Import: Not importing the first hand of Party SnG tournament summaries
    Import: iPoker tournament table changes being treated as a different tournament
    Import: Party hands where the preflop action is reversed now import for the most part
    Import: WTSD not being recognized for some hands
    Import: SB completing is now considered a limp
    Import: Fixed "has position" database field when an invalid button is specified by the hand history
    Replayer: Bug with pot odds when facing raises

A lot more Hud performance improvements have been added to this version. There have been minor changes to the database, so PT3 will go through your databases at startup and update them. This may take a while, depending on how many databases you have and how large they are. Afterwards, PLEASE do a cluster, vacuum and then analyze. You should see a dramatic improvement in report speed and Hud stat retrieval. Warning though, the cluster will take a while if you have large databases. Also added is the "Best Hud Performance" option, available both in the Settings and in the Hud Options. What this does is reduces the resource usage of the Hud at the expense of some features. For those of you playing a large number of tables, you should notice a significant improvement using this option. Combined with the new cluster, this feature should allow for just about everyone to play a large number of tables without problem. If you continue to experience performance problem after running the cluster and using the Best Hud Performance option, please open a new support ticket (or respond to your existing ticket) and provide the following information:

1. What site you are playing on
2. What kind of table you are playing on (cash or tournament, 6 max or full ring)
3. How many tables you are playing on
4. Whether renaming your Layouts.pt3 file to Layouts.backup and restarting PT3 helps the problem any
5. How many databases you are using and how many hands are in each database
6. If you play multiple sites, is the problem isolated to one of them, or does it occur on all
7. Reproduce the problem, then attach the PokerTracker.log, PokerTrackerHud.log and the Layouts.pt3 file to the ticket

Doing all of that will be a tremendous help in assisting us to figure out your problem.

Also added in this version is the ability to import a limited number of PokerStars hand histories for the purpose of table selection. This means for each PokerStars table you open, PT3 will import the first 30 hands at that table and will be able to show you stats for players before you sit down. For those of you who were having problems with PT3 not automatically recognizing your preferred seating settings, you can now adjust these manually in the PokerStars Configuration tab on the Auto Import window. You can do the same for Full Tilt's auto-center option. By popular request, table averages are no longer weighted. I may make this an option, but I believe most people would rather see the simple average instead of a weighted one. The problem with multiple databases causing different results in the popups and table stats has been resolved. Several import bugs were fixed too, including the annoying Party import bug with invalid pot size/winnings due to the preflop action being reversed. PT3 now attempts to correct this and can now import most of these hands.

I'm really hoping this version solves most of the remaining Hud issues. We still have some performance improvements planned, but hopefully this version is for the most part usable (perhaps not optimal) for the 20+ tablers. Enough so that we can put the Hud on the backburner for a short while so we can add some other features to the application. Please, if you were having Hud issues in the past and this version fixes it, let us know! If your problems still aren't fixed, please follow the directions given above.

THIS THREAD: Please keep this thread as a general questions/comments thread. Start a new thread for any problem you are having. This thread will be locked if problems start getting posted here. It's just too difficult to try to keep all the problems straight when they are in one large thread.
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby Fermion5 » Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:38 pm

Import of observed PokerStars hands (max 30 per table), Hud on observed PokerStars tables

how is this not datamining? Did you okay these changes with reps from pokerstars ?
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby Thomas42 » Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:47 pm

Just played a few hands on PS, ring limit, to test the preferred seating and observed hands. Everything now seems to work just fine with one small exception.

When having preferred seating the HUD does not place correct until Hero's stats show up. Thus if I am seating down in middle position waiting for BB they will all be wrongly placed until I have played the first hand so my stats are read.

I believe this has to do with that the table rotates to my preferred seat as soon as I sit down, but the HUD doesn't notice it until I have played my first hand.
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby asaffer » Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:54 pm

Josh wrote:Afterwards, PLEASE do a cluster, vacuum and then analyze.

Does it matter in what order the cluster, vacuum, and analyze operations are done?
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby GiantBuddha » Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:05 am

So no reimport is necessary to fix the import errors? PT3 takes care of that at its first startup?
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby Thomas42 » Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:10 am

asaffer wrote:
Josh wrote:Afterwards, PLEASE do a cluster, vacuum and then analyze.

Does it matter in what order the cluster, vacuum, and analyze operations are done?

Would be nice to have an optional menu command that will do all three in one go as PT2 has.
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby jed3y3 » Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:29 am

"There have been minor changes to the database, so PT3 will go through your databases at startup and update them. This may take a while, depending on how many databases you have and how large they are."

After installing this new Beta its been stuck on the load screen for close to an hour. By load screen i mean once its been installed and open it yp there is a small white box with pokertracker3 graphics and build details on it.

Is this what u mean by it will go through your databases at startup (which may take awhile) or is it just frozen?
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby Buford61 » Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:59 am

Must be frozen. You will see a moving graphic when it is doing its cluster thing. Took two to three hours to do all three processes on my 750,000 hand database. Yours is locked up.
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby rhud » Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:07 am

When I tried to download beta 15 I got an error message saying:"Error opening file for writing: C:\Program files\PokerTracker3\PokerTracker.exe

I clicked retry a bunch of times but that didn't work , then I clicked ignore and now my my whole PT and Hud is a mess. It still says version 14 but when I played at FTP the HUD wasn't working propery and when I dropped a table the Hud stats stayed on the screen , then I couldn't close tables and I got a bunch of error messages just cascading across the screen. I finally had to control/alt/delete as I was unable to get anything to work. What the heck happened? And how do I get it to load properly?

Thanks , rohud
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby Thomas42 » Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:15 am

rhud wrote:When I tried to download beta 15 I got an error message saying:"Error opening file for writing: C:\Program files\PokerTracker3\PokerTracker.exe

Sounds like PT was still running. Sometimes when you close a program it might not quit properly. You see it disappear but the process is still there.

Right click on an empty space on the taskbar and open the Task Manager. Click on the Processes tab and look in the list if there is any PokerTracker.exe processes. If it is after you closed PT then just select each of them and then click End Process.

To sort your PT out now, just reinstall the new beta. Should do the trick.
Posts: 185
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:20 pm


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