Table tracker

Discuss and learn how to use TableTracker for table selection and NoteTracker for taking automated notes.

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Table tracker

Postby moonmonk » Wed Oct 04, 2017 12:04 pm

Been trying to use the trial version of table tracker but after it starts the search counter gets to 5 and then the whole of PT4 crashes. Has this been a problem for anyone before and if so how was it resolved? Apart from that PT4 has been working perfectly. Thanks
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Re: Table tracker

Postby Flag_Hippo » Wed Oct 04, 2017 12:24 pm

Is this for PokerStars? If so try the following workaround - start PokerTracker 4 and go to 'File > Open User Data Folder' and then close PokerTracker 4. In the Explorer window that opened go to the 'Config' folder and open 'PokerTracker.cfg' in Notepad (or any plain text editor). At the top of the file should be a section labelled [General]. Immediately below that line add a new line like this:


Save the change and then try things out again. This will prevent the Community page working in PokerTracker 4 but should allow TableTracker searches to work until we can resolve this issue.
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