Hi, I'm french so I apologize for the mistakes that I'm going to make.
I would like to have this statistic on a graph to study my game versus a specific reg:
_Stng Jackpot
_Btn fold
_I'm on SB
_The specific reg on BB
I have put this filters:
Position of active Player of Active Player Position of Selected Exactly 9
First Action Opportuniy to Open the Pot
I had mail the PT4 support before and they send me this :
"You can do that in custom report with the following expression filter:
( 0 < (select count(hhps2.id_hand) from cash_hand_player_statistics hhps2 where hhps2.id_hand = cash_hand_player_statistics.id_hand and hhps2.id_player = (select p.id_player from player p where player_name='Name1') and hhps2.flg_blind_b) )
Keep yourself as the active player and you can filter for your own position using the simple filters. In the expression filter you will need to replace 'Name1' with the specific player you want to see in the big blind (leaving the single quotes - those are needed) and substitute 'cash' with 'tourney' if you are in a tournament report."
I did it but I have all players in my report in BB and not only the reg.
Can you help me please ?