by TRFelicio » Sat Sep 29, 2018 9:30 am
Thanks, the example make much sense of how to build custom stats.
Unfortunately following your guidance on step one (below), I could not find the expression for the open shove - "cnt_p_open_shove" - on the "search".
Is it due to be a statistic manually added?
"If you want to modify for example the Stat PFR, go to Statistics under the Configuration Window, Search for the Stat PFR (click on the Stat),
Now you see on the right side the Stat and "Value Expression": (cnt_pfr / cnt_pfr_opp) * 100
1st Step: copy "cnt_pfr". Now click on the top right on "Columns" and paste it into the "Search:" window on the bottom left.
Select the exact Column ("cnt_pfr"). Now you should see this Expression on the right side:
Code: Select all
sum(if[tourney_hand_player_statistics.cnt_p_raise > 0, 1, 0])"
I was able to do the example you show for PFR, but for this specific statistic I could not.
Please let me know your thoughts.