If you want to see your statistics in hands where a specific player was dealt in you can use this
expression filter in a
custom player report with the statistics you want to see
- Code: Select all
cash_hand_player_statistics.id_hand in (SELECT chps.id_hand from cash_hand_player_statistics chps, player p where chps.id_player = p.id_player and p.player_name = 'Player X')
Replace 'Player X' with the other screenname and leave the single quotes - those are needed. You will need to replace "cash" with "tourney" if you are in a tournament report. Bear in mind that you don't necessarily know if your opponents are using trackers and if they do how many hands they would have on you (e.g. datamined hands), what statistics they are using and how they are using them (e.g. date/HUD filters e.t.c).