Custom Statistics
- Fold to PF 4Bet After 3Bet IP by dracarys Oct. 12, 20152339 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player folded to a 4Bet or higher given that he made a 3bet preflop and was in (postflop) position on the person who made the 4Bet.
Formula: Number of Times Player Folded to a 4Bet After 3Betting Preflop When In Position on 4Bettor / Number of Times Player Could Fold to a 4Bet after 3Betting Preflop When In Position on 4Bettor
- Fold to PF 4Bet After 3Bet OOP by dracarys Oct. 12, 20152237 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player folded to a 4Bet or higher given that he made a 3bet preflop and was out of (postflop) position on the person who made the 4Bet.
Formula: Number of Times Player Folded to a 4Bet After 3Betting Preflop When Out of Position on 4Bettor / Number of Times Player Could Fold to a 4Bet after 3Betting Preflop When Out of Position on 4Bettor
- BB in chip for Spin and Go or HT HU SNG (picture on table) by Lazy_dog Jan. 31, 20161304 downloads
This archive contains one of the statistics that we have developed for our HUD for Spin and GO, which shows the stack size on the table in visual "chip" format.
You can look at our offer on the site - 2016 VPP Counter for Cash Games by Ester Feb. 12, 20161930 downloads
Displays the number of VIP Player Points (VPPs) earned through play in PokerStars according to the 2016 PokerStars definitions. Based on kraada's 2012 VPP Counter for Cash Games. Don't affect on NL1k+, where are no VPPs now.
- Pot Sizes on each street by WhiteRider Jul. 08, 20161824 downloadsTotal amount of money that was in the pot on each street in a hand, in the currency the hand was originally played.
- Game Currency Total Amount Bet by WhiteRider Aug. 12, 20161399 downloadsThe total amount bet in all hands in Game Currency. This is the total amount put into the pot regardless of whether the player won or lost. It does not include uncall/returned bets, only money which actually went into the pot.
- My Currency Total Amount Bet by WhiteRider Aug. 12, 20161416 downloadsThe total amount bet in all hands in My Currency. This is the total amount put into the pot regardless of whether the player won or lost. It does not include uncall/returned bets, only money which actually went into the pot.
- Hit Set on Flop (Hand) by WhiteRider Oct. 10, 20171116 downloadsIf the player saw the flop with a pocket pair displays a checkbox showing whether or not they made a set.
- Preflop Open Limp Fold SB by Flag_Hippo Jun. 12, 20181303 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player open limped preflop in the SB and then folded to a raise from the BB given that he faced one.
Formula: Number of Times Player Open Limp Folded Preflop (SB) / Number of Times Player Could Open Limp Fold Preflop (SB)
- CBet Rainbow Flop A or K High Static by Savannahh Jun. 17, 2018756 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player bet an ace or king high static rainbow flop, given they had the chance to do so and raised first in preflop.
A "static" flop includes flops where there is only one high card, an ace or king, and the gap between each card value is at least three. (AT3, K84, etc.) Each card is a different suit and paired flops are not included.
Formula: Formula: Number of Times Player Continuation Bet on Any Ace or King High Static Rainbow Flop / Number of Times Player Could Continuation Bet on Any Ace or King High Static Rainbow Flop
- CBet Rainbow and Double Suited A or K High Static Flop by Savannahh Jun. 18, 2018682 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player bet an ace or king high static double suited OR rainbow flop, given they had the chance to do so and raised first in preflop.
A "static" flop includes flops where there is only one high card, an ace or king, and the gap between each card value is at least three. (AT3, K84ss, etc.) Each flop is either double or triple suited. Paired flops are not included.
Formula: Formula: Number of Times Player Continuation Bet on Any Ace or King High Static Double Suited OR Rainbow Flop / Number of Times Player Could Continuation Bet on Any Ace or King High Static Double Suited OR Rainbow Flop
- Stacks Won by WhiteRider Oct. 24, 2018476 downloadsThe number of "stacks" won, where a stack is 100BB.
- Turn Call Efficency (CHPS) by Se7enUp Nov. 22, 2018572 downloads
Turn Call Efficency stat for Holdem Cash Player Statistics section - can be added to any report showing player stats
Ratio of the total amount won to the total amount called on the turn. Money that is taken out of the pot as rake is not counted as money won.Formula: Amount of Game Currency Called on the Turn and Won / Amount of Game Currency Called on the Turn
A value of 1 indicates that we are breaking even on all our's turn calls.
Thread about River Call Efficency
N.B. - please try it before trusting blindly.
If you find something wrong report it to me, please.
Thank you - Call Flop Float and Fold To Turn Bet by SirDehi Nov. 30, 2018915 downloads
Percentage of the time a player is heads up on the flop, elects to no cbet out of position, calls a float bet from the in position player, and once again check folds to another bet from the in position player on the turn.