Custom Statistics
- Fold To CBet IP & OOP by Flag_Hippo Jan. 16, 2019807 downloads
Six separate stats for tracking the percentage of the time that a player folds to continuation bets IP & OOP on each street (relative to the aggressor).
- Player Real by WhiteRider May. 30, 2020333 downloadsGroups the values in the report by the name of the player involved. Shows the player's real (non-aliased) name.
- Cbet Flop IP by Batovs Feb. 27, 2021657 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player bet the flop given that he had a chance to do so and he made the last raise preflop in position.
Formula: Number of Times Player Continuation Bet on the Flop IP / Number of Times Player Could Continuation Bet on the Flop IP
- Cbet Flop OOP by Batovs Feb. 27, 2021583 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player bet the flop given that he had a chance to do so and he made the last raise preflop out of position.
Formula: Number of Times Player Continuation Bet on the Flop OOP / Number of Times Player Could Continuation Bet on the Flop OOP
created by Batovs
- Fold to F Cbet IP by Batovs Feb. 27, 2021439 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player folds to a flop bet given that the bettor was the last raiser preflop in position.
Formula: Number of Times Player Folded to a Continuation Bet on the Flop / Number of Times Player Could Fold to a Continuation Bet on the Flop
created by Batovs
- Fold to F Cbet OOP by Batovs Feb. 27, 2021404 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player folds to a flop bet given that the bettor was the last raiser preflop out of position.
Formula: Number of Times Player Folded to a Continuation Bet on the Flop / Number of Times Player Could Fold to a Continuation Bet on the Flop
created by Batovs
- Average Post Flop Bet sizes by TheGobler100 Jan. 28, 2022224 downloads
Average bet and cbet sizes for all post flop streets calculated in percentage of pot
- Attempted to Steal from the Button by TheGobler100 Jan. 30, 2022224 downloads
Percentage of the time that a player opened the pot by raising in the button.
- Jackpot Fee Attributed by Flag_Hippo Feb. 01, 2022286 downloads
Total amount of money removed from the pot as jackpot fee in hands player won calculated in Game Currency and My Currency.
- Preflop 2bet size percentages in bb by TheGobler100 Feb. 01, 2022182 downloads
Here is a list of stats for preflop 2bet size percentages in the number of bb bet.
List of stats
-preflop 2bet size% 2-2.5bb
-preflop 2bet size% 2.5-3bb
-preflop 2bet size% 3-4bb
-preflop 2bet size% 4-5bb
-preflop 2bet size% >3bb
-preflop 2bet size% >4bb
-preflop 2bet size% >5bb - Plo Potting Indicator by TheGobler100 Feb. 07, 2022184 downloads
A stat I cooked up for detecting anyone that bets only pot preflop in pot limit omaha. Basically if it is 100% it means they never bet's below 3.4bb preflop in 6 max plo from seats 0,1,2,3(utg to the button). If it is any other number other than 100% then it means there are times when they are betting less than full pot preflop.
- Total Package by TheGobler100 Feb. 09, 2022216 downloads
Stats included in download are:
-Bet total in position
-Bet total out of position
-Fold to bet total
-Fold to bet total in position
-Fold to bet total out of position
-Fold to cbet total
-Fold to donk bet total
-Check call total
-Probe/Float total
I made a custom stat combining probes and floats as they are very similar stats that is very hard to get a good sample size on so you should have a higher sample to work with by combining these stats.