Managing HUD Groups

PokerTracker 3 version 3.10
October 25, 2013
  • Introduction

    For an overview of PokerTracker 3's HUD please read the Basic HUD Guide and Advanced HUD Guide.

    This Tutorial discusses configuring a single HUD layout, or "Profile" - for more information on managing multiple HUD Profiles please read the Tutorial:Managing HUD Profiles.

  • Group Types and Options

    Every block of stats that you have on the HUD is a Group.

    You can have as many of these Groups as you like, and each Group can be configured to be shown in different ways using the Group Options section of the Groups tab in the Configure HUD Profiles window.



    • Group

      This is the name of the selected Group.

    • Type

      Either Normal or Grid.

      This defines how the rows and columns within the Group are aligned.

      • Normal means that all stats will be aligned to the left within each row.
      • Grid means that all stats will be aligned in columns, so that stats in all rows are directly beneath each other regardless of how wide each stat is - narrow stats will be padded out to match wider stats.



    • Separator

      If you wish to have a separator character between each statistic you define it here (like the forward slash in the normal/grid image above).

      If you don't want a separator your can delete it and leave this option blank.

    • Padding

      Defines how much space is left between stats (and separators) and between rows.

    • Show

      Defines who the Group will be shown for.

      • Popup Use Only : The Group will not appear on the table; it needs to be linked to an 'on-table' Group in order to be displayed. See later in this tutorial.
      • Show on Table for Everyone : The Group will be shown on the table for all active players.
      • Show on Table for Everyone but Hero : The Group will be shown on the table for all active players except you.
      • Show on table for Hero Only : The Group will be shown on the table for you only. Groups using this setting will always be shown in the same place on the table (NOT aligned to your seat) so you need to position them somewhere away from all seats.
      • Table Averages: Show on Table : The Group will be shown on the table and contain the average values of the stats for all active players. Groups using this setting will always be shown in the same place on the table so you need to position them somewhere away from all seats.
    • Popups

      Defines which popup Groups will be shown when you click on this Group.

      This option is only available for Groups which are shown on the table - you are telling this Group which popup Groups to display (NOT telling the popup Group which on-table group it is linked to).
      So for example, the "[Popup] Overview" group is set to Show: Popup Use Only with Popup: None; and the "Player Stats" group is set to Show: Show on table for Everyone with a list of the 5 popup Groups.



      Tip! For more information on linking popup groups see later in this tutorial.

    • Background Color

      Defines the background color of the Group. To change the color double-click the color block.

    • Translucency

      Defines how solid or clear the Group will be shown on the HUD.

      This affects both the background and the text of the Group.

      Note: Translucency does not affect Popup Groups.

  • Creating a new Table Averages Group

    One of the types of Groups you can create is a Table Averages Group.
    This will show the average values of the stats you add for all active players at the table.

    Note: It does NOT show the averages of this session - it shows the averages of all hands all active players have played.  i.e. It is the averages of all players at the current table, not the stats of hands played just at this table.

    1. Click New to create a new Group.

    2. Rename your new Group by typing in the Group: field. You can name your Group anything you like, but since I only have one table averages Group I'm keeping it simple and calling it "Table Averages".

    3. Set the Group's Show: field to "Table Averages: Show On Table".
    When you do this, the name of the Group in the list on the left should update from "Group 7" to "Table Averages" too.

    You can also change the Type:, Separator: or Padding: fields if you wish, but since I'm only creating a simple one-line Group of a few stats I'll leave them as they are. See the previous part of this tutorial for more information.

    Note: The Popups field is disabled because you can't attach a Popup Group to a Table Averages Group.



    4. To add stats to the new Group you now click the Stats tab.

    5. Find each stat that you want to add in turn in the Statistics list on the left hand side, and double-click it to add it to the list on the right hand side. I'm just adding VP$IP, PFR and BB/100 to get a rough idea of the average table looseness and PF aggression, and whether on average the players are winners or losers.
    The stats will be shown in the order you add them.

    Tip! You can insert new stats into the list by selecting the stat you want the new one to follow.

    6. If you want to change the order of the stats in the list on the right (this is the order they will be shown in the HUD) you can select a stat and move it with the up and down arrows.

    7. If you want to change the appearance of any of the stats you can select one and edit the Properties.

    8. To save your changes click the OK or Apply button.
    OK will save and close the window, Apply will save but leave the window open if you want to try out your new Group and make further changes.

    Note: If you opened the Configure HUD Profiles window from the PT-icon on a table you must now click PT-icon -> Save Layout if you want to keep your changes. Otherwise they will only apply to the current table.



    That's it for creating a Table Averages Group.
    This is what the Group looks like on the table: 

  • Creating a new On Table Group

    Most of the Groups you create will be shown directly on the table, either for your opponents, for you only, or both.

    As an example I'm going to create a simple Group of stats about blind steals to be shown on the table for everyone, hero (you) included so that you have an idea how people may perceive your play.

    In the next part of this tutorial I will create a Popup Group to show more detailed information about blind steals, and then finally show how to link that Popup Group to the On Table Group I'm going to create here.

    1. Click New to create a new Group.

    2. Rename your new Group by typing in the Group: field. You can name your Group anything you like; I'm going to call mine "Steal Stats".

    3. Set the Group's Show: field to "Show on Table for Everyone".

    Tip! If you don't want to see the Group for yourself set it to "Show on Table for Everyone but Hero", or if you want to see it only for yourself set it to "Show on Table for Hero Only".

    4. Since we haven't created the Popup Group that we're going to link to yet, we leave the Popups section empty for now.



    5. To add stats to the new Group you now click the Stats tab.

    6. Find each stat that you want to add in turn in the Statistics list on the left hand side, and double-click it to add it to the list on the right hand side. I'm just adding "Att To Steal", "Fold SB to Steal" and "Fold BB to Steal" to this Group - I'll add more detailed stats to the Popup Group.

    7. I want to label these stats so that I know what they are when I see them on the table, so first select a stat by clicking it.

    8. I'm going to add a label to the "Att To Steal" stat so that it shows "ATS: " before it, so I edit the Prefix section of the Properties.
    You can add labels to the other stats in the same way, or leave them blank if you're happy you will know what they all mean.

    9. To save your changes click the OK or Apply button.
    OK will save and close the window, Apply will save but leave the window open if you want to try out your new Group and make further changes.


    That's it for creating a new On Table Group.
    This is what the Group looks like on the table: 

    See below for how to create a Popup Group with more detailed steal stats and how to link the two together.

  • Creating a new Popup Group

    When you want to see more stats than you have room for on the table you can add them to a Popup Group and link it to a Group shown on the table.

    As an example I'm going to create a Popup Group to show more information about blind steals to be shown when you click the On Table Group I created in the previous part of this tutorial.

    In the next part I'll show how to link the two together.

    1. Click New to create a new Group.

    2. Rename your new Group by typing in the Group: field. You can name your Group anything you like; I'm going to call mine "More Steal Stats".

    Tip! PT3 will add the text "[Popup]" to the start of your Group name.

    3. I've set the Type: to "Grid" so that the popup is lined up in columns.

    4. Since the popup is arranged in columns I'm removing the Separator: by deleting the /.

    5. I'm also removing the Padding: by setting it to zero.

    6. Set the Group's Show: field to "Popup Use Only".

    7. Since this Group is a popup, the Popups section is disabled. (You can't link a Popup Group to another Popup Group.)



    Now you add stats to the Group in the same way you do for any other Group, although there tend to be more stats in Popup Groups.  These are the stats I've added for this example.

    To save your changes click the OK or Apply button.
    OK will save and close the window, Apply will save but leave the window open if you want to try out your new Group and make further changes.

    This is what the Group looks like on the table:


    Note: If you opened the Configure HUD Profiles window from the PT-icon on a table you must now click PT-icon -> Save Layout if you want to keep your changes. Otherwise they will only apply to the current table.

  • Linking a Popup Group to an On Table Group

    Now that we have a new On Table Group ("Steal Stats") and a new Popup Group ("Popup Steal Stats") we need to link the two together so that when you click on the On Table Group the Popup Group is shown.

    To do this, we select the On Table Group and set the click the Add button in the Popup section then select the name of the PopupGroup from the dropdown list in the Popups window.

    Note: No further configuration is needed in the Popup Group



    You can link multiple popup groups to a single on-table group, as in the default layout - "Player Stats" has the 5 default popup groups added.

    To do this, click the Add button again and select another popup group.

    If you link more than one then they will be shown in tabs when you activate the popup by clicking the on-table group.
    To view the other popup groups you left-click the tabs along the top of the popup window.



  • Special Stats


    PT3 has a few 'special' stats that can be added to HUD Groups along with the normal stats from the Holdem Cash Player Statistics section.


    • New Line

      When you add this, any following stats will be on the next line below.

    • Horizontal Line

      This will create a New Line but also draw a horizontal line between the rows as a visual separator.

    • Note Editor

      When you add this an icon will be added to the HUD group to allow you to view or enter Player Notes.

      To see notes in a tooltip you can mouse-over the icon, or if you click it the Note Editor window will open to allow you to view and edit notes.

      Here you can see previously entered notes and enter new notes.
      If you type and press <Enter> the note will be saved and the window closed.
      Alternatively you can use the Add, Delete, Save buttons to manage your notes.



  • Statistic Properties

    To define how each statistic looks within the Group you set it's Properties.
    You can set properties separately for each individual stat.



    • Font

      Defines the font style and size in which the stat is displayed.

      The Font property can be expanded by clicking the + allowing you to configure individual elements of the property; or you can use the normal Font selection window by clicking the ... button.

      Tip! If you have changed the font of one of your stats and you want to use the same font on other stats, rather than configuring each stat's font individually you can copy the text description of the font by highlighting the whole font text and and pressing control-C then switching to a new stat, selecting the font again and pressing control-V to paste the copied font description.



      The same applies to foreground and background colors.

    • Foreground

      The color of the text of the stat.

    • Background

      The background color of the stat.

      This will only be used if Transparent Background is false.

    • Transparent Background

      If this is set to true then the Background color setting will not be used and the Group's background color will show through.

    • Decimals

      Specifies the number of decimal places that will be shown.

    • Show Times/Opportunites

      If this is set to false then the plain numeric value will be shown.

      If it is set to true then the number of times and opportunities will be shown as well; for example:

      60% (6/10).

    • Prefix

      If you wish to see a text label before the stat value you can add it here.

      For instance if you set the Prefix to "PFR:" then the stat will be shown as:


    • Suffix

      If you want to see any text after the stat you can add it here.

      For instance if you want to display the stat in brackets you could define Prefix as "(" and Suffix as ")".

    • Alignment

      This setting will only be used if the Group is set to type "Grid", which means that the cell can be wider than the width of the stat's text (if a cell above or below in the same column has wider text). It can be set to Left, Center or Right.

    • Position

      This allows you to specify which position the stat's value applies to.

      You can choose from All Positions, Blinds, Early (EP), Middle (MP), or Late (LP).

      If you choose anything other than All Positions then the value will reflect only hands played when the player was in one of the specified positions.

      EP, MP and LP are defined defined based on a combination of the number of players in the hand and the position of the player relative to the button; as shown in the following table:



      For example, the new default HUD layout shows positional stats.  This is configured by adding the same stat (here "VP$IP") 5 times and changing the Position property for each - once each for All Positions, Blinds, EP, MP and LP.

  • Color Ranges

    If you want to have your HUD stats displayed in different colors based on the value of the stat, use the Color Ranges tab.

    Here you define minimum and maximum values and a color for each range of values.

    You can Add, Edit and Delete ranges.
    When you click Add or Edit the Color Range window opens and you can type in the Min and Max values and double-click the color block to select a color.



    It is also possible to color stats based on the value of other stats or columns.
    For an explanation of this please see the How To: Advanced HUD Configuration.