GTECH G2 Configuration Guide (Boss Media / IPN)

PokerTracker 3 version 3.10
October 25, 2013
  • Overview

    The GTECH G2 Poker client has had numerous prior names. Some long time players continue to refer to GTECH G2 as Boss Media or just "Boss". The principal network where the GTECH G2 poker client is used is called the International Poker Network (IPN), but the GTECH G2 poker client can be used to create dedicated regional networks. These dedicated regional networks are not in use in canada, and we expect some US States to use this softwre as well for their state-specifc poker client.
    This guide is intended for users who wish to manually configure PokerTracker 3 to import hand histories from sites that use the GTECH G2 poker client in the event that hand histories are not automatically configured for import.

    For information on installing and setting up PokerTracker 3, see the PokerTracker 3 Quick Start Guide.

  • Auto Importing Hand Histories

    The GTECH G2 software will automatically save hand history files as you play, and PokerTracker 3 should auto-detect the folder they are written to.

    You will notice immediately if PokerTracker 3 is configured to automatically import hand histories by looking at the Auto Import tab. A checkmark will appear in the Auto field beside GTECH G2 (Boss) as shown in the screenshot below.

    GTECH G2 Configuration

    Tip: If you do not see GTECH G2 (Boss) listed, check the Show Hidden Sites option.

    As you can see in the above screenshot, there is a checkmark in the Auto field for GTECH G2 (Boss). If there is no checkmark in the Auto field, PokerTracker is not configured to automatically import hand histories.

    • Configuring PokerTracker 3 for GTECH G2

      On the Auto Import tab, select GTECH G2 (Boss) from the site list on the left hand side, then click the GTECH G2 (Boss) Configuration tab to the right.

      If you do not see your hand history folder listed, click the Auto Detect button. This should add the correct folder to the Directories Configuration. If it doesn't, you can manually select the folder that they are being written to using the Add button. This will probably be something like the path shown in the following image.

      If you play at more than one GTECH G2 enabled poker site, make sure that all of your sites' hand history folders are listed here.

      GTECH G2 Configuration

      If you wish PokerTracker 3 to start importing hands from GTECH G2 whenever you start auto importing, enable the Automatically Start With Auto-Import option.

      • Hand Histories

        You must configure the GTECH G2 poker client to save hand histories to a designated directory on your hard drive.  This step is required to allow PokerTracker 3 to import the hand histories for the database and display the HUD.

        To save your Hand Histories in your GTECH G2 poker client, do the following:

        1. From the poker client lobby, click on #HELP

      • Language

        The GTECH G2 poker client must be installed in the English language.  PokerTracker 3 currently only supports English and if the poker client is installed in another language it will cause problems.

        If you have the client installed in another language you will need to uninstall it and reinstall using English.

      • Preferred Seating

        Preferred Seating was recently added to the GTECH G2 poker client. We have integrated support for this feature in PokerTracker 3, and will revisit this guide shortly with details how to setup your preferred seating option.

  • Manually Importing Hand Histories

    If you have a lot of hand histories that you wish to import you should use the Manual Import tab instead of Auto Import. To manually import hand histories from your GTECH G2 poker client, do the following:

    1. Navigate to the Import -> Manual Import tab if you are not already there.
    2. You can either import a several files using the Import from File(s) button or you can import from an entire directory using the Import from Directory button.
    3. Browse to and locate the hand history file(s) or directory where the hand histories are located.

    PokerTracker will now import all of the file(s) selected or the file(s) located in the directory that was selected.
