PokerTracker 4 allows you to track your online poker play in any currency. This guide explains how PokerTracker handles sessions played in different currencies, how you convert these to a global currency of your choice, and how to see your winnings in your own (or another) currency.
Because online poker rooms allow players to play in a multitude of currencies, PokerTracker addresses this issue by parsing the hand histories played in any currency which it displays using the Game Currency prefix. The Game Currency is the actual currency played in-game as reported by the hand history, therefore no further adjustments are required. PokerTracker can be further customized to display the winnings in the native currency or converted into a global currency that is defined as a preference, this preferred currency is displayed using the "My C" prefix when reporting anything related to the currency preference such as size of the pot, amount of the blinds or winnings. The game stake in PokerTracker 4 is actually a text field, therefore it will not be affected by the My Currency preferences - the game stake is populated from the original Game Currency (unless otherwise modified by the player using the Adjust Stakes feature).