Custom Statistics Guide

PokerTracker 4 version 4.0.x
October 8, 2019
  • Overview

    An advanced aspect of PokerTracker 4 is the ability to create and customize statistics.  To begin, go to Configure > Statistics.

    configure statistics in pt4

    From here you can find out more about exisiting stats and also create your own.  Start by selecting either cash games ($) or tournaments (T) at the top.

  • Statistics

    The statistics window has many options and can be a bit confusing at first.  Let's first talk about what each section of this window is useful for:

    Stats window in poker tracker 4

    • $/T: While some stats are the same for both cash games ($) and tournaments (T), there are many statistics that are unique to tournaments. 
    • Players/Hand: Players stats are stats that show information over many hands for a player - for example, VPIP and PFR are player stats - and these are the kinds of stats that are used in the HUD. Hand stats show data about single hands - for example, what the turn card was, or what the pot size was in a hand.
    • Stats:  The Stats page allows you to explore statistics, alter formulas, and/or create your own custom statistics.  
    • Columns: Columns are the buildings blocks of statistics and are built directly from the information in the database.  Each column's expression is the SQL used to generate the column's value.
    • Variables: Variables are used to get information that is shared among multiple statistics but isn't directly available from the database.  Variables are useful for date and time comparisons, as well as using certain addition/subtraction functions numerous times.

    To get started, you can search for a stat along the left.  You can search for a stat by using the full name or a section of it, or just click on one.  In this example we will choose "3Bet Preflop".

    • Definition

      The Definition page shows you information about the selected statistic.  It shows the name, the title (this is what is displayed in reports), a description, default width in reports, and alignment.  You can also see the Value Expression which shows the formula using columns and variables.

      statistics definition PT4

      Certain stats, such as this one, are unable to be edited.  These stats are necessary for PT4 to calculate other stats and thus they cannot be changed.  If you wish to make alterations, you can click the Duplicate button down below to create a new stat that is originally populated with the information from this stat, and then make your own changes (such as the name, width, formula, and even format type).

    • Details

      The Details page gives you information about the selected statistic.  You get a detailed description of what the selected stat is, as well as a human readable formula.  If you ever want to know exactly what a statistic in PT4 is/does, select it along the left and go to the details page.

      stat details in pokertracker4

      Below you can edit the categories for the selected statistic.  You can assign a stat as a preflop statistic so that when you sort for preflop stats later it will show up.  This is a great way to keep your stats organized for future usage.

      assign stat category in PT4

    • Colors

      The Colors page allows you to add color conditions for the selected statistic.  You can insert statistics, columns, functions, etc. to create expressions and choose the color to use.  

      Coloring Poker Report Stats

      In the example above we've made a condition that the 3bet Preflop number will show up as blue if it is higher than 10.  Because we only checked the Tracker option it will only show as blue in a report.  We could also enable the color condition for the HUD.  Click Save to save your changes.

      Change stats colors in PT4

    • Options (Import & Export)

      Click the Options button to Import or Export the selected statistic.  If the selected stat is a cash game stat and you'd like to make it available for tournaments (or vice versa), click Convert.  

      import custom stats into PT4

  • Columns

    Columns are the building blocks of statistics and they are built directly from the information in the database. On the Columns page you can see the list of available built-in columns along the left. Each column's expression is the SQL used to generate the column's value, and the description tells you exactly what value the column stores. All of the columns necessary for the built-in stats are available in this list and can be recombined into other stats in any way you would like. You can also build custom columns to get specific information not otherwise available.   

    stat columns in pokertracker

  • Variables

    Variables are used to get information that is shared among multiple statistics but are not directly availble from the database. If you are going to use a certain addition or subtraction many times, you may want to create a variable for it.  Variables are also useul for doing date and time comparisons.

    Variable poker stats
