Exporting Your Database

PokerTracker 4 version 4.0.x
October 8, 2019
  • Overview

    PokerTracker 4 allows you to export hand histories of your choosing.

    You can export certain dates, sites, stakes, table types, tourney types, etc.

    Click here if you are looking to backup an entire PT4 database.
    This is the correct option to choose when you wish to make a copy of the database for safety or when you need to relocate the database.   

  • Exporting

    To begin exporting your hand histories, click Database from the main menu and then Export.

    Exporting PT4 Hand Histories

    This will bring up the Export window which allows you to customize the hands you wish to export.  Then select either the Sessions, Tournaments, or Advanced tab.

    Tip! PokerTracker 4 can only export specific sessions or tournaments for the active player, so make sure to change the Active Player along the bottom if using the Sessions or Tournaments tabs (all tournaments or filtered tournaments can be exported regardless of the active player using the Advanced tab).


    Exporting Hands PT4

    • Sessions

      The Sessions tab allows you to export cash game hand histories.  You can export either a single session, multiple sessions, or all of your cash game sessions.
      To select all sessions you can click the top session, scroll to the bottom, hold the Shift key, and then click the bottom session.  Alternatively hold the Control key and click to select multiple sessions.
      Next push Export Hands, select where you want PokerTracker 4 to export your hand histories, and then OK.  

      Session Export PT4

    • Tournaments

      From the Tournaments tab you can export a single, multiple, or all of your tournament and SNG hand histories.
      To select all tournaments, simply click the top tournament, scroll down to the bottom, hold the Shift key, and then click the bottom tournament.  Alternatively hold the Control key to select multiple tournaments.  You may also show extra information about the tournament (or toggle it off).  
      Once you have selected the tournament(s) that you wish to export, push Export Hands, tell PokerTracker 4 where you wish to export your tournament hand histories, and then push OK.

      Exporting Tournaments PT4

    • Advanced

      The Advanced tab allows you to export hand histories based upon a wide variety of criterion.
      First select Cash or Tournament from the upper right corner.  From there you can select the site(s), stake(s), date(s), and game(s) that you wish to export.

      Separate files will be created for holdem and omaha hands, and also for cash and tournaments, with a maximum number of hands in each file as specified by the Hands per File option.

      Once you have made all of your selections, just click Export Hands.
      Tell PokerTracker 4 where you want to save the hand histories, and then OK.

      Advanced Exporting PT4

  • Backing Up A PokerTracker 4 Database

    Exporting and backing up are similar, but not quite the same.  PokerTracker 4 recommends that you backup your data regularly, and you can read more about backing up and restoring a PT4 database here.