To open up NoteTracker, go to Tools > NoteTracker.
This brings up the NoteTracker editing window where you can create/edit or test Auto Note definitions, and enable or disable Auto Note rules. First, choose whether you want to edit cash game or tournament Auto Notes (as each offers Auto Notes specific to that variant). Let's start by talking about the Edit page.
In the top window you can see all of your Auto Note definitions. NoteTracker comes with many Note definitions built-in to PokerTracker 4 to make it easy for you to get started. If you select any definition, the fields below are automatically populated with information about that Auto Note. For instance, in this example we've selected "002 - 3Bet Preflop Range", and below we see that it's a Holdem Specific definition, in the Preflop category, and we also see the filters and text for the note. Let's review each aspect of a note definition:
Name: This is the name of the Auto Note you are currently creating/editing. The built-in note definitions start with a 3 digit number to help with organization, but you can use any naming/number schema you wish.
Category: You can choose to assign a category for your definition, such as Preflop, Flop, Turn, River, or Overall. These are used for organization only, it is used to help find notes quickly in real-time while you are playing. The category is arbitrary, although it is not recommended you could for example create a definition for a preflop note but assign the category of River if you were so inclined.
Game: You can choose whether a definition is used for Holdem, Omaha, Omaha Hi/Lo, or a combination of game types.
Active: Check this box if you want this definition to be active and automatically processed while playing in real-time. If this box is unchecked, the note won't be automatically taken while you are playing.
Text to Insert as Note: This is the text shown when you view the selected note in real-time.
Insert Variable: Click this to insert a variable into the Text to Insert as Note box. You can add variables such as {cardrange} or specific board cards to provide relevance to your Auto Notes. This is the primary difference between a stat and an Auto Note, when using NoteTracker you can track hands and board textures when a situation takes place.
Along the right you can choose to create a new note definition, duplicate an existing note definition, and delete the selected note definition as well. You can also import notes from the PokerTracker Download Warehouse, and export notes to share with others. When you are finished making your changes, click Save.