Syncing Hands Between Two Computers

PokerTracker 4 version 4.0.x
October 8, 2019
  • Overview

    Some users may want to sync their hand histories between two (or more) computers.  This is great for users who play on multiple computers in multiple locations, and want the data to be the same on each computer.  This guide will walk you through a simple solution for syncing your hand history data with ease.

  • Syncing Hands
    • Syncing Hand Histories to the Cloud

      There are many cloud options available nowadays, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Skydrive, etc.  Each of these options function in a similar way, we will use Dropbox as our example below, feel free to consult with your cloud service provider for specific help with other cloud storage solutions.  

      The first step is to add the processed hands folder to the cloud's service subdirectory.  Just open PT4, go to File > Open User Data Folder, and then share the Processed folder in Dropbox.

      Syncing processed files in PT4

      You can confirm that this is done correctly by opening Dropbox and ensuring the Processed folder is now available.  Please note you will have to do this on both of the computers you intend to syncronise with to ensure each computer is syncing hand histories to your cloud.  Some users rename their processed files folders to make it easier to distingush from one another, if you do this please be sure to alter the folder name in PokerTracker as well by changing the Processed Files Folder location found at Configure > Site & Import Options > Preferences.

      dropbox poker tracker 4

    • Syncing From the Cloud to PokerTracker 4

      When you are finished playing and ready to sync the new hand histories from the cloud to PokerTracker 4, open PT4 and click Play Poker > Get Hands From Disk.  Then browse to your cloud subdirectory, in this case we used the path PT4 Backup/Processed so we can differentiate between the processed files folder located on our primary computer and our secondary computer. 

      hand histories from cloud

      Let the import complete and now your data is full synced between both computers!  Remember to always import from the cloud before playing on the other computer to ensure the data is up to date and complete.  This process must be completed on both computers to stay synchronized after each new session.  

      • Managing Duplicates

        In order to avoid a large number of duplicates, and to reduce import times, it's important that you manage the hands in your cloud.  Once you've imported all the hand histories from your cloud on each of your computers, it's recommended that you move the already imported hands to a new folder.  In this example we are moving them from the Processed folder to the Already Imported Hands folder.  This will minimize the number of duplicates and keep import speeds as quick as possible.

        syncing duplicate issue


        This process may seem confusing at first glance, but in reality it is quite simple to perform.  We suggest you review the flowchart below which illustrates how to use a Cloud Storage Provider such as Dropbox to synchronize two computers with PokerTracker 4 installed. 

        Cloud Sync
