TableNinja II Getting Started Guide

TableNinja II version 2.3.x +
October 20, 2014
  • Overview

    This guide is intended to help you quickly and easily install, setup, and configure TableNinja II. TableNinja II is designed to automate the repetitive tasks while playing online poker so that you can focus on the tough decisions, and play more tables.  With practice the use of TableNinja II can help you take your in-game experience to the next level.

    Please note that this guide and all of the accompanying TableNinja II guides assume that you are using Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 and have enabled Windows Aero.  The Aero Glass theme incorporates a set of interface and design guidelines that were introduced by the Windows Vista operating system, and has remained the primary desktop theme in all versions of Windows released since Vista. Please note that you may encounter conflicts with TableNinja II's operations if Aero is not properly enabled.

    • Supported Sites

      TableNinja's list of supported sites is an ever changing process.  As each site launches a new feature or changes components of their software interface the TNII developers must work to assure compatibility with these changes.  Please check our official site support list to assure compatibility.  

      TableNinja II contains three different levels of support within its official releases.  TableNinja II includes alpha and beta support for new features as well as online poker sites or networks within its official releases.  If you are an existing PokerTracker 4 user you may notice that this differs from the way that PT4's development team works; PokerTracker 4 does not publicly release alphas or test clients.  

      • Official Support:  The site or network is officially supported in TableNinja II
      • Beta Support: The site or network is partially supported in TableNija II, typically this means the hotkey functionality is not yet available, and/or only partial feature support is available
      • Alpha Support: The site or network is not yet supported in TableNinja II but one or more features have been included in Table Ninja II to help promote testing and future development. Typically this means the NinjaVision feature is working, but the other key TableNinja II components remain to be implemented. 
  • Installation

    To Install TableNinja II:

    • Download the latest release of TableNinja II from the PokerTracker website.
    • Once the download has completed, run the file that was saved to your computer.  If you are upgrading from a previous version of TableNinja II then TableNinja and all of your poker sites must be closed prior to running the installer.
    • Read the license agreement. If you agree, click the I Agree button to continue.
    • Choose the location where you would like to install TableNinja II onto your computer then click Install. We recommend installing to the default location chosen by the installer:  C:\Program Files (x86)\PASG\TN2\.
    • Please run Windows Update periodically to make sure any necessary updates to the Windows .NET Framework are installed to assure your installation of TablNinja II remains compatible.  We also advise installing the latest update to TableNinja II whenever a new version becomes available.  
    • If this is the first time that you are installing TableNinja II onto your computer then please proceed to the Setup Wizard section in this guide. If TableNinja II was already installed on your computer and you have already completed the Setup Wizard then you can skip ahead to Launching TableNinja II.
    • If you were a TableNinja I user and this old version of the application is still installed on your computer, then TableNinja II will automatically detect your legacy settings and apply them to your new TableNinja II preferences.  If this occurs, we still advise you complete the Setup Wizard and follow our new user recommendations to get the optimal experience while using TableNinja II.  
  • TableNinja II Setup Wizard

    When you initially install TableNinja II the Setup Wizard will launch, this tool will allow you to customize your TableNinja II experience.  

    TableNinja II Setup Wizard


    You may instead see this Setup Wizard page, if you encounter this page instead please select the site where you downloaded and purchased TableNinja II, then enter in your registration code for authorization.  


    TableNinja II Setup Wizard


    The new setup wizard can be run at any time in the future if necessary by selecting the Setup Tab, then click the red Beta/Config button and select Re-run Setup Wizard

    Setup Wizard


    • Popping Up Active Tables

      The first page of the Setup Wizard allows you to define how poker tables that need your attention will pop up.  We suggest that you select the first option, this choice allows TableNinja II to handle the popping up of any tables that have a pending action.  It is the best option to choose if you are playing at multiple online poker networks at the same time, but this will require disabling the table notification functions in your online poker client.  TableNinja will control which table maintains focus for you, switching between tables when a decision is required or when you use TNII to cycle through the tables.  

      If you wish to have multiple poker clients opened at the same time, then you must allow TableNinja II to handle table management by selecting the first option.  

      Popping Up Active Tables


      You can change these settings at any time by selecting the Table Controls tab, then choose Table Control > Popup/Cycling. 

      NOTE: Poker client support in the Alpha and Beta stages of development may require manual configuration to disable the management of tables in the poker client when TNII is configured to handle the poping up of tables, this is necessary to avoid the accidental stealing of table "focus" while playing.

    • Preferred Layout

      The second step is to choose how you prefer to layout multiple tables while playing online poker.  The three most common choices are tiled, stacked, or cascaded tables.  In addition we include a hybrid solution called Ninja Tile which stacks table until you have an action to take, then the active tables are tiled.  The majority of this guide assumes you have chose the Stacked layout method.  TableNinja II will manage the layout functionality for you while you are playing, unless you choose the NONE option which maintains table layout control within the poker client. 

      Preferred Layout


      NOTE: Only players who are comfortable with the use of hotkeys and are familiar with the TableNinja II workflow should use use the NinjaTile option.  This layout option requires the use of hotkeys to manage table control. You cannot use the mouse to control tables when NinjaTile is the chosen option, using the mouse can break the automated workflow used by NinjaTile.

    • Table Control

      The third step is to choose how multiple tables will be controlled.  The default option is Table Under Mouse, this allows you to control which table is the target table by placing your mouse over the table; Whatever table is under mouse, that is the table the hotkeys work on.  This is the best choice for new users, but more advanced users tend to choose Table in Foreground which allows TableNinja II to automatically choose which table is active when a decision is required.  This method is required if your layout method is NinjaTile, the mouse should not be used when NinjaTile is active. 

      When Table Under Mouse is chosen, hotkeys will not be active unless the mouse is placed over a table - at which point the hotkeys will be active for that specific table.  

      Table Control


      TableNinja II will add a frame to the active table and color it red.  Other tables that require action will be framed with green.  The next table to receive your attention will be framed in pink. 

      NOTE:  These colors are the default options, but the colors for frames are fully configurable in TableNinja II.  

    • Setup Is Complete

      Your initial setup of TableNinja II is now complete, but there are many other options to be considered to get the best experience that we will cover in this getting started guide.   

      We highly recommend viewing the sample video shown in this setup page. 

      Setup Complete


  • Before You Begin Using TableNinja II

    Before you begin using TableNinja II, please check your online poker client's settings to make sure they are compatible with the necessary TableNinja II workflow.  Please review the TableNinja II Supported Online Poker Sites and Networks Guide for instructions.  Players who play at PokerStars, PartyPoker, and Full Tilt are all advised to review this chapter to help setup the poker client to allow TableNinja II to be used while playing.  

  • Begin Using TableNinja II

    Once TableNinja II's Setup Wizard is complete, you are ready to configure the settings that make TableNinja II's automation such a time saver while multitabling online poker games.  

    This section will discuss the basics of using TableNinja II including how to use hotkeys, how to define your default bet sizes and bets defined by hotkeys, and how to further refine how tables will be managed by TableNinja II. 

    • Windows Notification Icons

      The notification area in Windows is located at the far right of the taskbar, this area contains program icons that provide status and notifications from various application and OS features. TableNinja II can display a Windows Notification Icon to notify you of the current status of the application.  The TableNinja II icon may be hidden by default due to your settings in Windows; to display this hidden icon whenever TableNinja II is running in Windows 8:

      1. Open the Windows Control Panel and select Appearance and Personalization > Taskbar and Navigation > Notification Area Icons
      2. Scroll down to find the "tableninja2" icon.  Change the behavior to Show Icon and Notifications
      3. Click OK

      Notification Area Icons

      The TableNinja II notification icon will now be visible.  The color of this icon determines the current status of the application.  

      • GREEN:  If the icon is green, it means that TNII's hotkeys are enabled because the mouse is placed over the poker lobby or poker table when Table Control is set to Table Under Mouse, or when Table in Foreground is used while the poker client is active
      • RED:  If the icon is red, it means that TNII's hotkeys are disabled, or there is no active poker client to control
      • 1/2 GREEN & 1/2 RED:  Only global hotkeys work, this is because the mouse is NOT placed over the poker lobby or poker table when Table Control is set to Table Under Mouse, or when Table in Foreground is used but the poker client is NOT the current active application
        Notification Area Icon

      The Notification Area Icon will also display warning messages when some key errors occur; for example if you attempt to customize TableNinja II by assigning a hotkey character that has already been used, then the error message below will appear.

      Hotkey Notifications

    • Hot Keys Tab

      The first stop in our tour of how to use TableNinja II will be the Hot Keys tab.  A hotkey is a key that when pressed causes TableNinja II to take a certain function such as control actions, table placement, and automation of your online poker client..  These functions can be assigned to nearly any keyboard key or combination of keys.  Advanced users can also assign Hotkeys to mouse clicks or gamepad buttons.  To define a hotkey, click in the text field for the hotkey you want to change and press the key, key combination, or mouse button you wish to set as the hotkey.  If you wish to use the delete [Del] key, backspace key, or tab key as a hotkey you need to hold it longer (about half a second) for it to properly apply.

      Note: If your poker client has built-in hotkeys for betting actions, we advise that you disable this option in the poker client and instead use TableNinja's features to avoid hotkey duplication. 

      Hot Keys


      Before you begin, let's go over each hotkey category so you are prepared.  We advise taking notes so you remember which hotkeys you have assigned.  Build your hotkeys slowly, do not add too many hotkeys all at once or else you may find that your in-game experience may become compromised.  If you take slow steps to add new hotkeys and test your additions, you will likely enjoy the best rewards from the use of TableNinja II. 

      Poker Hotkeys:

      • ACTIONS
        • The most commonly used hotkeys are the Bet, Fold, and Check/Call hotkeys.  All primary actions in game are listed in this section, including All-In.  
        • These hotkeys allow you to take action at a table before it is your turn.  If a mistake is made, advanced actions can be accidentally placed on the wrong table; therefore we advise enabling Only Work if its not Player’s Turn to avoid placing betting actions at a table when it is your turn to act. The most commonly used advanced action is Check/Fold which is set to Ctrl-F by default.  You may wish to change this hotkey to a key or keyboard combination that is easier to click in-game.  There are numerous additional hotkeys available that are only for limit games.
        • This hotkey allows you to increase or decrease the betting size by a betting unit that you can define.  By default this is set to use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the bet size, the mouse wheel can also serve the same purpose.  The default betting increment is 1 small blind.  
      • BET BOX
        • We advise keeping these two options checked, they automatically send any numbers typed from the Numpad to the betting box, and the backspace key will also be assigned only to the betting box.  
        • Click by Location is a feature used for poker site themes if TableNinja II doesn't fully support the theme. Click here for additional details.  

      Global Hotkeys

      The only global hotkey on this page is Toggle Hotkeys.  We advise setting this hotkey to the Escape key, use it anytime you are not playing poker while TableNinja II is active to assure that all hotkeys will be disabled while you are working in other applications.  TableNinja II's Windows Notification Area Icon will turn red when this hotkey is enabled.  

      • Global Hotkeys & Poker Hotkeys

        There are two types of hotkeys – global hotkeys and poker hotkeys.  Global hotkeys work anywhere regardless of where the mouse is, or what application is in the foreground.  Poker hotkeys only work when a poker table or poker client lobby is the current active window.  You can tell that a poker window is currently active because it has the special "Target table" frame color.  In the example below the top table has the red "Target Table" frame color which means that this is the active table which will receive any poker hotkeys pressed, and the bottom table is not the active table and will not receive any poker hotkeys.  

        Active frame color


        Regardless of the active table or application chosen, global hotkeys will always be active therefore be very careful typing any keys used by a global hotkey while using TableNinja II; if you type a simple email it could accidentally trigger a global hotkey.

        • Global hotkeys will function regardless of the application which has focus in your OS, as long as Table Ninja II is running and the Global hot keys are enabled these hot keys will function.  
        • Poker hotkeys will only function when the application that has focus is the selected online poker client; typically that hot key will only control the table that has focus or the online poker lobby.
    • Betting Tab

      Our second stop in this tour of how to use Table Ninja II will be the Betting tab to define the default bet sizing automatically populated by TableNinja II. 

      Betting Tab

      • Default Betting

        The default betting row lists the default open 2bet sizes, and how they will be populated.  By default the preflop bet size that TableNinja will automatically place in the poker client's betting box is 3Big Blinds + (1 * limper).  For example if there were two limpers when it is the Hero's turn to act at the table, the default bet size will become 5 Big Blinds.  The default 3Bet size populated in the betting box by TableNinja II is 100% of the size of the pot.  By default TableNinja II will also populate the betting box by 80% of the pot on the Flop, 70% of the pot on the Turn, and 60% of the pot on River.

        We can edit these defaults to populate bet sizes that are smaller (or larger) if you desire.  In the example below we switched the default preflop bet size to 2.5 BB BB + 1 BB for each limper, keep the preflop 3bet size at a pot size bet, and then make the flop 45% Pot, Turn 55% pot, and River 60% pot to keep the bet sizing more in line with modern games.  To edit the default betting, double click the DEFAULT row in the Betting report, click Save when done.  


        Default Betting Filter

      • Betting Hotkeys

        Betting Hotkeys allow you to override the default bet populated automatically by TableNinja II.  The option uses the same type of betting options as described above under Default Betting, the only difference is that now a hotkey can be assigned to override the automated amount.  

        Common betting hotkeys inculde the ability to bet the Pot on any street, or to go all-in on any street.  These simple to assign hotkeys can be assigned with ease as shown in the example below where we have assigned the hotkey P for pot-sized betting, and ALT-A to go all-in on the street where the hotkey is selected.  

        We find that some users prefer to use the default bet sizing in addition to manual overrides via the number pad, others choose to perform manual overrides using the increment/decrement betting hotkeys defined in the Hot Keys tab.  The Setup Tab can allow you to always route the number pad on your keyboard to the betting box, this is a great way to assure that you can customize any bet by overriding the default bet sizes or betting hotkey selections.  

        Betting Hotkeys


      • Allow In Place Editing

        Allow In Place Editing checkbox on the bottom right hand side of this window allows you to edit the bet sizing directly in each report row.  This is an optional shortcut for users who do not want to open up the popup window each time the betting sizing must be updated.

    • Table Control Tab

      There are four subsections available within the Table Control Tab.  

      • Popup
      • Layout
      • Cycling/Table Aside
      • Ninja Vision - currently under beta testing as of the writing of this guide - Oct 2014
      • Popup

        You may recall that we already defined the Table Controls in the Setup Wizard, but we advise further refining the way TableNinja II manages tables as they "pop up" by considering the revisions below.  

        As we discussed earlier, we feel the Table In Foreground method of Table Control should be used instead of Table under Mouse.  Table in Foreground requires fewer mouse movements, it pops up the table that requires you to take an action, after you finish your action the next table requiring an action will popup.  This will allow you to focus better on the game instead of moving the mouse between tables while you are stacking.  You can alter your Table Control method either in the Setup Wizard or under the Target Table Mode section of the Popup page.  

        The Popping up tables section of this page allows you to choose how a table will popup when there is an action for you to take at the table.  As we discussed during the Setup, we advise enabling Popup table whenever action is required.  We also advise enabling Automatically uncheck "Popup table whenever action is required" in poker clients to allow TableNinja II to automatically adjust the poker client whenever possible. 

        Next we need to select how you wish the table’s window focus to be managed.  By default it is set to Bring to Top just behind the Active Application, this means if you are using a different application when a table action is required the poker table will not interfere with your other work.  This method will certainly work well for players who are working on other tasks at the same time, but to stay focused on the game we advise changing this dropdown to Bring to Foreground (Steal Focus). This option is the best choice for staying focused in game, but it is not ideal for users who will be working in other applications while playing poker. 

        The Behave Like PokerStars button can be used to help define the way table popups are handled and table focus is managed by duplicating the way that PokerStars functions when TableNinja is not used.  This button is a convenience for our users, all of the settings and options that this button manages are available if you click the red Advanced button as well.  We do not advise making any changes to these settings unless you have a personal preference.  

        Lastly, you can change the color of the frame displayed around the tables, or even disable the frames if you choose.  We do not advise making these changes until you become an expert TableNinja II user, it is best to use the default colors for now.  Get to know each color and what it stands for, the colored frames will help you to know which table is currently active, requires attention, or is next in line to receive your actions. 

         Popup Page

        NOTE: If you are using a layout mode such as Stacked with the Table in Foreground popup method, and you use the mouse to select or move a table outside of the standard order, then this will pause the popup of the tables.  You can use the Cycling Hotkey to restart the popup of tables.  

        For more information, please review this special TableNinja II video guide which explains how each Target Table mode works visually. 

      • Layout

        We previously defined the Layout method during the Setup Wizard steps, but you can visit this page to automate the switching between layout modes by assigning a hotkey to each mode.  Additionally the new Multistack Layout mode is only available in the Layout Page, this allows expert users to stack their tables by using more than one stack at the same time.  

        If you change modes on this page, TableNinja will place a dummy table in gray on your monitor, this table can be positioned within your workspace, TableNinja II will use this location to place tables as required. In the screenshot below the Table Layout mode has been changed to Stack, and the dummy table has appeared so you can position it on the screen as the default location where poker tables will be stacked.  You can resize the dummy table by dragging the outlines of the window, or place the table anywhere you want on the screen. 

        Dummy Table


        To visually learn how to control Table Layout modes, please review this short video tutorial:

      • Cycling / Table Aside

        We previously defined the default settings for managing popups and the layout of tables when we used the Setup Wizard, but the Setup Wizard does not contain options for controlling how you can "cycle" between the tables that are open. Cycling is the term we use in TableNinja II to describe the manual changing of the current active table.  You can choose hotkeys for each of the cycling functions, but the most important cycling hotkey is the one you define for Cycle to First in Line - we recommend you use the W key for this function, but you can of course choose any key that works best within your workflow.  This is a global hotkey that will work regardless of the application that currently has focus in Windows, this allows you to use the Cycle to First in Line hotkey to switch from a different application back to your poker client and have the table that requires your immediate attention (first action required) popup.  

        By default there are two hotkeys which are global: the Toggle Hotkey hotkey which is set to [ESC] by default, and the Cycle to First in Line hotkey which we advise that you assign the W key for this important function.  You can change any of the cycling hotkeys to become global hotkeys at your discretion by clicking the "G" checkmark next to each hotkey option.  Many users choose to use the Cycle Forward and Cycle Backward hotkeys, you may wish to change these to a singe keystroke for convenience.  We recommend using the "-" and "=" keys for this purpose for this function, feel free to adjust to any key combination that improves your workflow. 

        NOTE: If you are using a layout mode such as Stacked with the Table in Foreground popup method, and you use the mouse to select or move a table outside of the standard order, then this will pause the popup of the tables.  You can use the Cycling Hotkey to restart the popup of tables.  

        Cycling / Table Aside


        Set Table Aside controls how you can take a table out of your current layout, and set it aside to a location outside of the layout so you can  focus on the table's action.  Any table that has been set aside will remain in this temporary location until you choose to integrate the table back into your layout. Each Table Aside "slot" can be assigned a dedicated position in your monitor, and you can also choose what happens to tables once they have been placed in the Table Aside slot.

        For example, using a Stacked layout with 20 tables you come across a hand while playing that you need to focus on; such as when you have a hand like Aces or Kings preflop.  If you don’t have Set Table Aside enabled after the betting action takes place this table will go back into the stacked rotation.  Enable Set Table Aside to place this table on your screen outside of the stack or current layout; you must define each Table Aside slot separately and define a hotkey to control it.  

        In this example, we will define a single Table Aside slot that assigns the currently active table when its hotkey is pressed, and will then return any tables back to their original order in your chosen Layout method once the hotkey is pressed a second time or if a new table is chosen to be placed in this Table Aside slot.  ​You can define more than one Table Aside slot if you chose to do so, but for this example we will create a workflow that only needs a single Table Aside slot to accomplish our goals. 

        • Select the Table Control tab, then choose the Cycling page
        • Define the Hotkey for STA 1, this is the default Table Aside slot if you are using a single slot.  In this example we will use "A" for this hotkey. 
          Set Table Aside
        • Click the red Edit button to open the Layout Editor.  Your Layout mode will be displayed here as a reminder. 
        • Click Add TA Slot
          Set Table Aside
        • Move the mock table that appears to the location on your desktop where you would like this Table Aside slot to be placed; you can also resize the table if you like.  This mock table is used as a placeholder for where the tables will be placed when Table Aside is used. If you wish to add additional Table Aside slots, click Add TA Slot once again.  When you are done adding all of the Table Aside Slots, click CLOSE in the Layout Editor. 
          Mock Table
        • Use the drop down menu on the right hand side of the hotkey for each Table Aside slot to change the method used for sending the table out of the Layout, and returning the tables back to the Layout. We advise choosing Normal in most scenarios, this keeps a single table for each slot and returns that table once a new table is assigned to this Table Aside slot.  The other options include No Snap Back, New Tables, Unseated Stack, and With Popups; please see the description for each option in TableNina II for more details how each of these options manage the allocation of the Table Aside slot and your selected layout. 
      • NinjaVision (Early Beta)

        NinjaVision is a new TableNinja II feature that is currently in Beta which lets you stay on top of every hand no matter how many tables you play. This advanced visual aid combines the best features of tiling and stacking tables at the same time.

        NinjaVision is a tiled live overview of the tables that you choose to monitor, while the actual tables remain stacked. You can easily cycle between the tables buried within the Stack layout by selecting them within the NinjaVision tiled live overview.

        At this time NinjaVision remains an experimental Beta feature in TableNinja II.  To enable NinjaVision select the Experimental tab and click the Enable NinjaVision checkbox.  The [Early BETA] NinjaVision page will now appear under the Table Control tab.

        To learn how to use NinjaVision please review this video guide:

    • Annoyances

      The Annoyances tab allows you to automatically handle common poker related chores. Automated functions such as clicking the time bank, or automatically handling tournament registration popups are all found here along with wait list options. 

      All of the Annoyance features are optional; depending on your own personal needs you may choose to enable a feature to simplify your in-game experience thanks to TableNinja II's automation. 

      Annoyances are not enabled by default, but you might want to enable these common preferences:

      • Auto click Time Back
      • Auto click “I’m Back” to never sit out
      • Auto handle Tournament Registration Popup; this will allow you to click register and then all other windows are automatically closed once registration is complete
      • Auto close finished tournament
      • Auto click info tab, this is the tournament information tab that replaces the chat box that shows your status in the tournament (NOTE: if the chat box is clicked, you must manually return to the info box)

      There are many other options available; for example you may also wish to consider Auto-Seating in cash games and Auto-accept wait list seats. You can also set hotkeys for basic tasks such as showing the poker client lobby in this tab, or displaying the replayer.  We like to use CTRL-R to display the replayer, CTRL-S to sitout at the next Big Blind at all tables, and also CTRL-~ to close all tables; these can be very useful functions in-game.  


    • Display

      TableNinja II can automatically display key data on the table that PokerTracker or Holdem Manager's HUD cannot display.  For example, you can display how many chips you have remaining in your stack in Big Blinds,  you can display Harrington's M, or even how many seconds you have left to act. By dragging the small rectangles which place the TableNinja HUD components on the mock table, you tell TableNinja II where that information should be shown on each table you have opened.

      Special Display Notes

      • The display will update any time it becomes your turn.  Since the display does not update in between turns this means the data TableNinja II displays on the table may not be accurate when it is not your turn.
      • Please be aware that any blinds posted by you will be counted as part of your stack.  

      To set up the Display tab in our example TableNinja II setup, we will make the following changes:

      • Set the Display's font size to 21.  We advise starting with this smaller font size because this size provides a good balance of usability and function. We also advise that you change the color, choose a font color that will stand out without interfering at the poker table.  
      • Enable Show Stack Size in Blinds for both NL Cash Game and Tournaments.  When these options are enabled, the live stack size is displayed at PokerStars, but all other poker sites can only display the stack size found at the end of the prior hand, as determined by the hand history. These two options can only display in Big Blinds, they cannot display stack size in Big Bets for limit games.
      • Enable Show Table Number, this is a helpful feature for players who stack tables so you know which table you are working on
      • Enable Show Number of Secs since we needed to act to display a clock at each table that counts up the seconds used since the the time action was required. 
      • Also enable How Many Tables are Waiting, this stat works in conjunction with Show Table Number so you are aware at all times how many tables are waiting for action.  

      NOTE: It is best to adjust the Display preferences in a live game, we advise using Play Money tables to test live games.

      You can position the display components anywhere on the table that you feel the data is convenient to see and will not interfere with your game experience.  The example below was designed to be used at PokerStars 6 full ring tables, using the NOVA theme.  

      TableNinja Display



  • Additional Topics

    This Getting Started Guide only covers the key topics necessary to start using TableNinja II like an expert, but there are many more options to choose from to help you configure your own personalized workflow.  For more in depth coverage of each of the topics discussed in this article, please review the The official TableNinja II User Guide which covers all of the topics  discussed here as well as the other tabs we did not discuss in detail such SNG Sensei, Setup, Experimental, and Help.  

  • Using TableNinja II In-Game

    Throughout this guide we have been setting up TableNinja II and making choices that will benefit your in-game experience.  Now it is time for us to put these concepts to work!   

    This example assumes you followed along and used the same hotkey assignments recommended in this guide.  You can review your hotkey assignments by selecting the Setup tab, then click the View All Hotkeys button.

    TableNinja II Setup


    Each of the hotkeys you have assigned will be listed in this helpful window, which can be left open while you are playing to help you remember your key assignments if you wish.

    TableNinja II Hotkeys


    This example also assumes you have chosen to use a Stacked Layout, and the Table in Foreground method of table control while using the Bring to Foreground (steal focus) method of assigning focus when tables must pop up.  Once tables are added, all controls will be managed via the keyboard in our example; there will be no need to use the mouse other than when you open new tables - you can rely on TableNinja II's default betting, betting hotkeys, and table cycling management to cycle through the tables while they are stacked on top of one another.  

    Lastly we are using PokerStars as our example poker client because this is the most widely used poker room in the world, and TableNinja's support is optimized for this network. 

    Let's get started by opening your first table; we advise using play money tables while familiarizing yourself with TableNinja.  The table will jump to the position you chose for your stack to be placed.  If you wish to revise the position of your stack or make the size of the tables in your stack larger you can do so by selecting the Table Control Tab, click to view the Layout page, then click Rearrange to display the dummy table which will represent the stack's size and location. Click Save and Close, your stack size and position will be updated.  

    When it is your turn to take an action at the table, you will use the following keys we previously defined in this guide to take your betting, checking, and folding actions:

    • F = Fold
    • Ctrl-F = Advanced Fold
    • B = Bet 2.5x + 1* each limper Preflop, or 100% of the pot if making a 3Bet.   We will bet 45% of the pot when you click B on the flop, 55% of the pot when you click B on the turn, or 60% of the pot when you click B on the river
    • C = Check
    • P = Pot size bet on any street you use this hotkey
    • ALT-A = All-In on any street you use this betting hotkey
    • At any time you can use the number pad to override any of the default bet amounts placed into the betting box on the active table at the top of the stack.  Alternately you can use the betting increment and decrement hotkeys which we assigned to the Up and Down arrows.  

    As you start to add more tables, they will be placed in the stack for you.  As you need to take an action they will be cycled automatically for you so the top table is always the table that needs your immediate attention to take an action.  You can use the "-" or "="key to manually cycle through the tables in the stack, or click the W key to have the next active table appear at the top.  The W key serves a dual purpose, if you need to leave your poker client temporarily to use a different application the W key will remain an active hotkey because Cycle First In Line is a global hotkey. You can use the ESC key to temporarily disable all hotkeys while you are in this new application, then click ESC to re-enable hotkeys and W to return focus to the poker client and cycle to the table first in line that requires your attention (the W key will not function if a table does not require your immediate attention; you can use the mouse to return to the poker client by clicking at the top of the stack if need be). 

    As you are playing you may encounter a table that needs your extra-special attention.  When this occurs make sure that table is active, then click the A hotkey which we assigned for the 1st Set Table Aside slot (we only defined one slot in this guide) to remove the table from the stack.  When you are ready to return the table back to the stack, click the A hotkey once again.  

    If at any time you use the mouse to move the tables around in your stack, you may find that cycling will cease to work automatically.  If this should occur, you can use the CTRL-K hotkey to reassign your layout options.  If you're feeling very bold and experimental, you can use any of the default hotkeys used to change the Table Layout method:

    • CTRL-SHIFT-C = Switch to the Cascade layout method
    • CTRL-SHIFT-K = Switch to the Stacked layout method
    • CTRL-SHIFT-L = Switch to the Custom layout method
    • CTRL-SHIFT-S = Switch to the NinjaTile layout method
    • CTRL-SHIFT-T = Switch to the Tile layout method

    Once you are done with the session, you can use the CTRL-S hotkey to sit out at the next Big Blind on all tables, then use the CTRL-~ hotkey to close all of the tables.  

    You are now ready to multitable with the help of TableNinja II.  Enjoy, and good luck at the tables!
